What Highly Productive Students Do Differently?
What Highly Productive Students Do Differently?
Success in college doesn't have much to do with intelligence. It depends more on the right way of working and the attitude when studying. Of course, it is an advantage if you have certain cognitive skills, but your strategy is crucial.
And some of your fellow students have developed an efficient success strategy while studying, which is very simple in itself but can still make a difference. Her secret is: Don't deal with too many things at the same time, just focus on one specific task at a time!

Productive students are focused. They do not allow themselves to be distracted and focus their full attention on the here and now. They don't take care of 10 things at the same time but take action one at a time. This simple basic rule is a real productivity booster and ensures that you get through your studies faster and more successfully.

But why is it like that?

One Step At A Time
Many modern courses are so overloaded with modules that you are constantly overwhelmed in terms of time and work and are regularly pushed to your limit.

During the lecture period, one university event follows the next, you fight your way through scripts and books or meet up with your study group. You may also have a student job and have to take care of your apartment. If you then have to write a research paper or have other commitments, there is even less free time left.

It doesn't get any better after the lectures, because now the exams are coming. This means for you: exam preparation, learning to the pain limit, and a lot of exam stress. So that this avalanche of work does not overwhelm you, you must not lose track and must study strategically.

Firstly, you cannot do everything and secondly, there is no point in opening too many construction sites at the same time. You have to proceed step by step and slowly but steadily approach your goal - without losing your bearings.

Successful students therefore almost never practice multitasking, but always focus on just one thing. This keeps them focused and completes tasks faster than average. So, the key to success is single-tasking. And if you already happen to multitask and now you are not managing to finish everything on time you can find some custom essay writing services to help you out with the written assignments.

Benefits Of Single-Tasking
When single-tasking, you concentrate your strength and concentration on a single task. You hide distractions and trivialities - the focus is only on your current task.

These are the 5 most important advantages of single-tasking:

  • You achieve a better-quality result because you put your full attention into a single task.
  • You can fully engage in your challenge and will not be distracted by secondary construction sites.
  • You'll finish faster because you don't have to take care of several things at the same time.
  • You can work more systematically because structuring a single task is easy and your individual steps continuously build on each other.
  • You don't overwhelm yourself and don't have the feeling of chasing after many open tasks - and that lowers your stress level.
Single-tasking makes your studies easier and ensures that you progress faster and more relaxed. Since I said goodbye to multitasking, my way of working has become much more productive and efficient.
Disadvantages Of Multitasking
The concept of multitasking is a blatant lie. It makes us inefficient and ineffective. Also, multitasking makes us dissatisfied because we feel like we're not really getting anything done.

These are the 5 biggest disadvantages of multitasking:

  • You lower the quality of your results because you don't fully engage with the individual tasks.
  • Being busy with many different things at the same time will distract you and waste time.
  • You make careless mistakes and mix up your activities, resulting in an unproductive way of working.
  • You build up a lot of pressure because you are dealing with many open tasks at the same time.
  • You get stressed and dissatisfied faster because you don't notice your small successes and more and more tasks are pouring down on you.
Multitasking won't get you anywhere; the opposite is the case: multitasking throws you back and blocks you - physically and mentally. Single-tasking works much better.
The secret of high-productivity students is shockingly simple: they take one step at a time. You avoid multitasking and only focus on one task at a time. You live and work in the here and now and are not disturbed by external influences.

So, get used to structuring your tasks and solving your problems strategically. Don't let this drive you crazy but approach your work packages step by step. Then you get bogged down less and you are also finished with everything faster.

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